user guide  »  sessions


pop-session is a component used to manage sessions and session data in the PHP web environment. It includes the ability to also manage namespaces within the session as well as timed-based and request-based expirations.

You can create a session and store and fetch data from it:

use Pop\Session\Session;

$sess = Session::getInstance();

// Set session values
$sess->foo   = 'bar';
$sess['baz'] = 123;

// Access session values
echo $sess['foo'];
echo $sess->baz;

You can unset session data like this:


And finally, you can destroy the whole session like this:



Session values can be made available based on time expiration:

use Pop\Session\Session;

$sess = Session::getInstance();
$sess->setTimedValue('foo', 'bar', 10); // # of seconds

Then, the next request will be successful if it's within the time limit of that session data:

use Pop\Session\Session;

if (isset($sess->foo)) {
    echo $sess->foo;
} else {
    echo 'Nope!';


Session values can be made available based on number of requests:

use Pop\Session\Session;

$sess = Session::getInstance();
$sess->setRequestValue('foo', 'bar', 1); // # of requests

Then, the next request will be successful if it's within the set limit of number requests allowed before that session data is expired:

if (isset($sess->foo)) {
    echo $sess->foo;
} else {
    echo 'Nope!';


You can store session data under a namespace to separate that data from the global session data:

use Pop\Session\SessionNamespace;

$sessMyApp = new SessionNamespace('MyApp');
$sessMyApp->foo = 'bar'

if (isset($sessMyApp->foo)) {
    echo $sessMyApp->foo;  // Only available under the namespace.
} else {
    echo 'Nope!';

Session namespaces can also store time-based and request-based session data:

use Pop\Session\SessionNamespace;

$sessMyApp = new SessionNamespace('MyApp');
$sessMyApp->setTimedValue('foo', 'bar', 10); // # of seconds
$sessMyApp->setRequestValue('foo', 'bar', 1); // # of requests