

  • Small improvements to the following packages:
    • popphp
    • pop-db
    • pop-form
    • pop-http
    • pop-mail
    • pop-utils


  • pop-utils
    • Added helper class and functions
    • Added autoloading of helper functions to main application object
    • Added array helper class
    • Refactored existing array classes for better interoperability


  • Added bash completion to pop-kettle
  • Added style object and functionality to pop-pdf
  • popcorn
    • Added support for custom methods in the config
    • Improved route prefixes
  • pop-form
    • Improved error message grouping and display
    • Improved append/prepend functionality with form field elements
  • Improved ACL policy support in pop-nav
  • Upgraded the "options" parameter - renamed "omit" to "exclude" and added "include" in pop-csv
  • Added outputToRawString method in pop-image


  • Improved transaction support in pop-db
  • Added individual query methods to the database adapters in pop-db
  • Added the Pop\App helper class in popphp
  • Added the Pop\Model\AbstractDataModel class in popphp
  • Incorporated vlucas/phpdotenv in popphp to track application-specific variables
  • Improved application handling and support with pop-kettle
  • Improved color and styling support in pop-console


  • Upgraded to PHP 8.1+
  • pop-http
    • Better separation of Client and Server functionality
      • Added standalone Client class
      • Added client handlers to support curl, streams and curl multi
      • Added standalone Server class
    • Improved response content negotiation and handling
    • Added Promises
    • Added Curl CLI conversion functionality
    • Added ability to create raw strings of a client request
    • Added factories to the client Stream and Curl classes
    • Added factories to the request, response and upload classes
    • Improved Auth header object, added support for digest auth
  • pop-mail
    • Expanded the available mail transports to include:
      • Mailgun
      • Sendgrid
      • Office 365
      • AWS SES
      • Google
    • Expanded the available mail clients to include:
      • Office 365
      • Google
  • pop-storage
    • Added Azure adapter
    • Refactored the S3 and Local adapters
    • Added top-level normalized Storage class
  • pop-queue
    • Created a task object that extends the job object and has scheduling functionality
    • Deprecated the scheduler object and refactored worker object
      • Reworked hierarchy of job/task -> queue -> worker
    • Added a cron object to manage scheduling; greatly improved scheduling functionality
    • Added the ability to have sub-minute scheduling
    • Added max attempts
    • Improved the "run until" functionality
    • Added AWS SQS adapter
  • popphp
    • Improved CLI route syntax and handling
  • pop-auth
    • Refactored for pop-http v5.0.0
  • pop-db
    • Added Seeder class with create() and run() methods
    • Added the functionality to store DB migrations in a DB table
    • Improved debugger functionality with the profiler
  • pop-code
    • Added support for return types and better support for type hints
  • pop-cache
    • Renamed Db adapter Database to limit possible namespace conflicts
  • pop-color
    • New component for color value management, parsing and conversion
  • pop-config
    • Add support for YAML
  • pop-console
    • Added support for 4th console color to visually separate parameters and options
  • pop-css
    • Added writeToFile($to) method
    • Improved comment functionality
    • Improved the CSS object constructor
  • pop-debug
    • Improved get/retrieval of stored debug content
    • Renamed Db storage adapter Database to limit possible namespace conflicts
    • Added timestamp column to database storage adapter
    • Deprecated/removed Redis adapter
  • pop-image
    • Deprecated and removed the following methods:
      • setAdjust(), setDraw(), setEffect(), setFilter(), setLayer(), setType()
    • The following existing methods now serve as the constructor factories for their respective objects:
      • adjust(), draw(), effect(), filter(), layer(), type()
  • pop-kettle
    • Added the ability to store and manage migrations from a database table
    • Moved seed functionality over to new Pop\Db\Sql\Seeder class
    • Added the ability to export and import raw SQL files (MySQL only.)
  • pop-log
    • Renamed Db writer Database to limit possible namespace conflicts
  • pop-utils
    • Added File helper class
    • Deprecated and removed abstract error class and error interface
Deprecated Features
  • PHP 7.4 no longer supported
  • The pop-loader component is no longer available
  • Removed abstract error class and error interface in pop-utils


  • Added API-based adapters for Mailgun and Sendgrid in the pop-mail component
  • Added new Auth header class to the pop-http component
    • Provides easier access to auth header information for outbound client requests and inbound server requests
  • Added ability to track full state in the pop-audit component


  • Added support for PHP 8.0+. Backwards compatible to PHP 7.4.
  • Added new pop-storage component
    • Provides interchangeable adapters to easily switch between storage resources, e.g., local disk, AWS S3, etc.


  • Migrated unit tests from Travis CI to GitHub Actions
  • Changed the minimum version support for PHP to 7.3
  • Changed the minimum version support for PHPUnit to 9.0
  • pop-image updated to v3.6.0
    • Full removal of the Gmagick adapter
  • pop-queue updated to v1.2.0
    • Migrated from the SuperClosure library to the OPI Closure library


  • pop-db updated to v5.0.5
    • Refactored the predicate set parser/generator classes
    • Refactored "helper" parser classes (expressions, tables, etc.)
    • Improved SQL builder and schema builder classes
    • Improved connect/disconnect functionality of adapter classes
    • Improved support for standard SQL functions
    • Remove references to ArrayObjects
    • Improved unit tests/code coverage
  • pop-pdf updated to v4.0.0
    • Fixed field issues
    • Improved text support
    • Improved HTML support
    • Code review/clean up
  • pop-acl updated to v3.3.0
    • Added policy functionality
  • pop-audit updated to v1.2.0
    • Refactored Http adapter to work with newly refactored pop-http component
    • Refactored Table adapter to include check and create table schema
    • General code review/clean up
  • pop-auth updated to v3.2.0
    • Refactored Http class to use the pop-http component
  • pop-cache updated to v3.3.0
    • Refactored the Sqlite adapter class into a full Db adapter
    • Deprecated and removed the Memcache adapter (in favor of the Memcached adapter)
    • Refactored the Apc adapter to only use the APCu extension
    • Refactored/improved unit tests
    • Code review/clean up
  • pop-code updated to v4.0.0
    • Support for traits
    • Support for constants
    • Better support for namespaces
    • Improved reflection/parsing support
    • Refactored/improved unit tests
    • Code review/clean up
  • pop-debug updated to v1.2.0
    • Refactored the Sqlite storage class into full Db storage class
    • Refactored the Request handler to use the newly refactored pop-http component
    • Code review/clean up
  • pop-mail updated to v3.5.0
    • Incorporated the new pop-mime component to be used within the pop-mail component for better and more consistent parsing of mail messages
    • Refactored the attachment class
  • pop-form updated to v3.5.0
    • Added AclForm class to enforce ACL-based roles and permissions for which form fields are accessible by certain users
    • Removed the native filter classes in favor of using the newly refactored pop-filter component
    • Added FormValidator class to simply perform field value validations without the weight of a full form object
    • Added FormConfig class for more robust support of form configuration
    • Better support for conditional validation
  • pop-http updated to v4.0.0
    • Refactored code-base, better class structure (abstract classes, interfaces, etc.)
    • Better support for the HTTP client classes, including better support for form data
    • Moved server request, response and upload classes under their own new namespace Pop\Http\Server\ to better organize the code and differentiate between the server and client classes.
    • Incorporated the new pop-mime component for better multipart form data generation
    • Incorporated the newly refactored pop-filter component for input data filtering
    • Better support of large raw data streams storing to file (instead of in memory)
  • pop-filter reinstated and re-purposed in v3.0.0
    • Refactored the previously deprecated pop-filter component to handle filtering of data and values for multiple components that need filtering functionality
  • pop-kettle updated to v1.5.0
    • Updated to work with newly refactored and updated components of Pop PHP v4.5
    • Addeddb:create-seed command
    • Added better support for Windows
    • Added support for MVC commands
    • Added support for include helper file to hook other apps into Kettle
  • pop-log updated to v3.2.0
    • Added log limits
  • pop-mime new release v1.0.0
    • New component to handle generating and parsing MIME content
  • pop-queue new release v1.0.0
    • New component to manage job queues
  • pop-utils new release v1.1.0
    • New component to provide simple common utilities, classes and interfaces
  • pop-view updated to v3.2.0
    • Added pop-filter component for the filtering functionality.
  • pop-session updated to v3.2.0
    • Refactored code-base, better class structure (abstract classes, interfaces, etc.)
    • Added unit tests
  • pop-cookie updated to v3.2.0
    • Added ArrayAccess, Countable and Iterator
    • Added unit tests
  • pop-dir updated to v3.1.0
    • Added support for unlinking/unsetting files from directory object (if writable/accessible)
  • pop-i18n updated to v3.1.0
    • Added support for output variations under one source.
  • pop-image updated to v3.4.0
    • Added support for animated GIFs under the Imagick adapter
    • Deprecated the Gmagick adapter
  • popphp updated to v3.6.0
    • Added better support for dynamic array params in the HTTP and CLI route objects
    • Refactored to use the new pop-utils component, including the array and callable features
    • Added support for multi-byte routes
    • Added support for named routes and URL generation
  • popcorn updated to v3.3.0
    • Added support for custom HTTP methods
    • Add any() method
    • Better exception error messaging


  • Updated to pop-csv v3.1.4, better appending, newline, escape and limit support. Includes static helper methods.
  • Updated tp pop-db v4.5.5, with support for export and creating large SQL queries from data sets. Includes support for the encoded record class.
  • Updated to pop-form v3.4.0, which includes:
    • ACL Form objects
    • Simple, light-weight form validator class for easy validation of form values without the weight of a full HTML form object
  • Update to pop-mail v3.2.2, which includes:
    • Better support for file attachments, both under the IMAP client and the Mailer classes
    • Support for auto-detection of content-type for attachments, better handling of newlines in message parts
  • Update to popphp v3.3.1, adding a force route parameter to the run() method
  • Added pop-kettle component for CLI-based helper functionality


  • Support for PHP 7.1
  • only
  • PHPUnit tests refactored for PHPUnit 7.0+
  • Refactored pop-auth
  • Refactored pop-console - added better support for help command display
  • Refactored pop-db - improved relationship functionality
  • Updated pop-debug - improved ExceptionHandler and QueryHandler
  • Refactored pop-form:
    • Added ACL-enabled form capabilities
    • Moved filter functionality into separate set of classes
  • Refactored pop-http - added separate HTTP response parser class
  • Refactored pop-log - added HTTP log writer
  • Refactored pop-nav - added NavBuilder class
  • Refactored pop-pdf - improved text wrap & alignment functionality
  • Refactored pop-view - added separate stream parser class
  • Refactored popphp - improved Application and Module class relationships
  • Removed bootstrap feature from main framework repository